October 6, 2008

Eat shit all you other fireworks displays

Pittsburgh turned 250 this past weekend and celebrated the occasion with one of the largest ever fireworks displays. They shot fireworks from 16 different places including eight barges in the rivers, atop five Downtown buildings, and three surprise locations. Damn but i wish I had been there-see for yourselves below. A bunch of bikers also celebrated the opening of the Great Allegheny Passage by making the trek along it's route from near DC to the Steel City.

October 3, 2008

A day for the history books

The power of this speech is immense. Watching the head of the largest union organization deliver a moving endorsement of Barak Obama to the steelworkers union brought tears to my eyes. Trumka has a lot of balls to stand up and point out the racism in the US and especially in the working class and how the right has been screwing over the average joe with our complicity.
As stu put it- this is why the right hates unions.
Let's take back America. Hells yes.