February 1, 2009

So you wanna go to grad school?

Ever see those anti-meth billboards out west? you know, the 'Extreme Meth Makeover' ones that show a before/after photo to reinforce why doing meth is really, really fucking dumb idea. Or the 'I lost me to Meth' ones. I marvel at how does someone decide, 'Wow, looking that shitty looks like fun, let's go do some meth'.

I'm thinking we need anti-graduate school billboards. Sure grad school sounds like a good idea but does looking this haggard and shitty look like fun?

Does regularly not leaving your house for over 48 hours sound enticing? Or maybe 30 hrs without sleep? Realizing people don't even bother to call anymore because they know you can't come out and play. Here's my advice: Don't let a masters steal your life. You'll B. A ok without it, trust me.