November 25, 2007

an introduction

Howdy. Soapboxpudding here. 
I created this blog in the summer but until now have let it lie dormant.
Time to rectify that.
I've gone through a lot of upheavel lately and am now reconnecting with neglected parts of myself, including my creativity and sense of self.

I don't have a clearly defined directions for this blog so we'll see where it goes. I do know that it won't include long personal posts. I can't stand that shit. I do have a hankering that it will include brief bits about some of the following:
science/geology, bikes, dogs, shit, and the humour and randomness I've been finding 
in the people around me and my current geographic location. 

so to begin, here's a hello from me and the bean.


Anonymous said...

do you have a chemistry formula inked on your arm? nifty.

ranae said...

yep. they are silica tetrahedrons. aka- the crystallographic structure of quartz minerals. i'm a geology dork. glad you dig 'em. i love 'em as much as the first day.