February 5, 2008


Hell of a bike weekend. I'm still tired.
This weekend featured the RAD ride and BikesInside! Several beloved bikers blew into town for it including Jake from pgh and Jeremy from MT. The Alley Clowns took to tall & mini tall bikes for a performance ride, which included the poetic prowess of the fossilosopher lee and a dancing to keep warm. Ended with cake, gang signs, beer, and beats at gallery gachet then a frosty ride home.

Missed most of the sunny saturday afternoon 'cause I was finishing my bear and clown costumes. This little clown couldn't have pulled it off without help from jake and robin. xoxoxoxo to you both.

The evening was so much fun that it passed in a blur. The Jakana fashion show was A-mazing. Rev Phil presided over several footdown derbies, which segued into a continuous circus maximus of minibikes. it's ridiculous how much fun it is to repeatedly ride/chase people on minibikes in a circle. The Alley Clowns debut was mayham, as it should have been. Dingo from portland made my night when he gave me his clown blessing and put my face on for me. Our secret bear-ninja-cowboy skit ended a bit prematurely due to crown participation/excitement, which was rad. Nix and I sleuthed out all the shit eaters with help from the poo bucket and maitland survived the minibike of death (cue 'oooohhhh' sound). Not as many attendees as velomutations but definitely more dance party action.
Like I said, a hell of a bike weekend.


Anonymous said...

That pic's hilarious!

Not sure if you know him, but Sheldon Brown just passed away... http://www.metafilter.com/68788/Crank-on-Captain-Bike#2001699

ranae said...

thx. i could be a clown everyday.

bummed about sheldon. he's responsible for educating a lot of bikers. will be missed.