May 8, 2008

victory at last

Todays post is purposely vague. Sorry but all I can tell you is that I reached a personal holy grail today. Still in excited disbelief. I had resigned myself to enjoying the battle while never expecting to ever win the war. However excited I am I'm still not going to tell you all what it was. Just trust me when I say that today was epic.

And no, it's nothing to do with my thesis.
When i hand that bitch in you'll know about it fo' sure.

May 7, 2008

Bike Bike Bike Party

Howdy all. Will catch up soon. I swear, lots of stuff eating up my time of late including preparations for awesome bike fun this Saturday, May 10th. Come out for polo, BBQ action, and mini bike mayhem hosted by 2/3's of the alley clowns. Short films and dance party fun later in the night. Costumes encouraged! Go 50's, 60's, or 70's for the evening!
Check out for more details.