Todays post is purposely vague. Sorry but all I can tell you is that I reached a personal holy grail today. Still in excited disbelief. I had resigned myself to enjoying the battle while never expecting to ever win the war. However excited I am I'm still not going to tell you all what it was. Just trust me when I say that today was epic.
And no, it's nothing to do with my thesis.
When i hand that bitch in you'll know about it fo' sure.
congrats, whatever it was! :-) i hope the party went well last night--my conference went great, and i am totally pooped! time to recoup and catch up before monday hits again...
All I can say is "Stop Grovelling! I hate grovelling! All that sorry for this and excuse me for that..." (to paraphrase)....
i like what you do.
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