November 30, 2007

the devil in higher edumacation

according to robin, it snowed 6 cookies today.

we all handle stress differently, sometimes we hunker down and bang out what is needed. somtimes we opt instead to get baked with a few friends and on a 9 o'clock whim throw together
the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies in less than 4 minutes.
srsly, less than 4.

I've been battling my literature review for the last 2 weeks. i'm making progress but it's quite possibly the hardest section of the thesis to write. so far, my master's degree is the most masochistic endeavor I have entered into, one reason being that I rarely see the fruits of my labour. I sometimes miss working at the food coop where I managed stocking and receiving.
It was rad to see the product of my efforts every day(and i got a hell of a workout and tons of free organic food to boot!).
sure it wasn't giving my brain an acedemic workout (one of the reasons I wanted to go back to school) but i at least i got a sense of daily gratification, which is often lacking in grad skool.

I've definitely been feeling detached from my thesis for the last 6 months. I used to be so fired up about getting other people fired up about science but my passion has waned as i ran into hurdle after hurdle. Oddly enough, a book I read on learning styles last weekend has begun a rekindling of that passion and it feels good. cognitive science is pretty rad shit.

For a long time there was no end in sight. getting data made the glint at the end of the tunnel become static. getting the lit review completed will bring it into full view. tonights fucking off hasn't furthered my goal but let's just go ahead and call it therapy.
tasty, tasty, therapy.

In other news:

Daniel Johnson's 'Hi, how are you?' album, which is probably the most successful cassette tape recording ever, was just re-released as a limited edition vinyl last week. I've been millimeters away from pressing buy for several days now.
so hard to resist.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"cognitive science is pretty rad shit" = Priceless