December 26, 2007

an expatriate xmas

My favourite xmas quote this year:
"I won't be home for a few days, don't drink my tang"
-words uttered to a 14yr old wade by his dad who was calling from jail.

so this was my 2nd xmas away from home. got a tree to make it feel more seasonal. Woke up late to open presents with Frances, which was a first for us.

I was fortunate to spend last nite and today with good folks, new and less new, and retire with an overly full belly of yummy food, beer, and wine each night. Feeling thankful alright.
Had a Guinness-themed xmas eve dinner at my place with a few fellow residuals. Dinner included:

Guinness chicken, guinness gravy, southern biscuits,bruschetta, walnut salad, and pasta salad all washed down with many pints of the geenniuss. Mmm, mmmm.

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