March 23, 2008

too much map, not enough nap

map 1: My test subjects had to draw a 'safe' backcountry route from points A-B (obscured) through avalance terrain.
They did this 3 times (in b/w other activities).
This map displays the distribution of their 1st attempt .
Yellow polygons= loaded areas; Blue= avalanche paths; Red= terrain traps
Some of them obviously didn't try or are really, really out to lunch.

map 2: Location of all terrain hazards (loaded areas, avalanche paths, and terrain traps) overlain onto a density map of the routes in map 1

map 3: Terrain trap polygons overlain onto a density map of user's 1st routes. The yellow line is the actual route you should take from A-B (drawn by one of the avalanche experts I worked with). They averaged hitting 2 traps, which itself isn't too bad. However, hazards often overlap which leads to a higher risk of initiating an avalanche.

Ranae's overlapping days and nights of work also contribute to an increased risk of becoming even more lame.
on that note, now i must decide if i should go home to bed or the brickhouse for a nitecap....hmmm......

March 16, 2008

hippitty hoppity floppity

My ears are gravitationally challenged.

Still though, not bad for the first of what I hope is a series of bike helmet hats inspired by White from Tekkonkinkreet. This one will debut at the Egg Hunt alley cat next sunday just gotta get the ears to stand tall by then. Lucky me, I can't sleep. Instead of working towards two deadlines I have Monday this bunny hat is the witching hour's top priority. The ears themselves are sturdy as hell...perhaps too sturdy...they're reinforced with cardboard and wire, which makes 'em kinda heavy. I think I'm going to run wire down out of the ears and secure it into the base of the hat.
If you got a better idea, suggestions are most welcome.

March 13, 2008

Making the grade

And this student's map doesn't really make good art either.
Crap like this makes a TA laugh and groan at the same time.
Map Quality: F
Lab Mate Quality: A+

This map is what happens when that aforementioned academic geeeeenius actually graduates because the educational standards at SFU are so low and he gets hired somewhere.
Although the absence of information in this map makes it into neat abstract-nerd art it is still useless and uninformative .
Grade= D

Any map that involves POOP is gonna grab my attention. But what does the east half of N. America, plants, and poop have in common? This maps sure isn't solving the mystery. Unfortunately, awesome subject matter still can't make up for what a shitty map this is.
I'd give this map an F but they get bonus points for writing POOP really large on it
Grade: D

Fucking Genius.
Possibly the best use of a GIS I've ever seen and a one of the many reasons this world needs map nerds.
A fucking +

March 7, 2008

a biker is born

Today (Thursday) was new niece day. Audrey Scarlett Macleod arrived at 4:55am. Scarlett is my mothers maiden name and I'm all warm and fuzzy that Robyn chose to use it, as is my mom.
The wee one measured 6lb 14oz, 18.5 in; exactly like me. I'm hoping that we continue to have more in common as she grows up. I see her arrival on Denny's 35th b-day, which we celebrated through cookies, booze, and a bike ride a very promising omen. I can't wait to meet her.

March 6, 2008


To all my friends: I'm not ignoring you. I'm just really lame right now.

Why? The usual suspects: my new job + trying to finish my thesis + Frances + life in general.
You can find me during the day in 7217 TASC1 drawing on pictures of glaciers or late nite in 6121 RCB making maps and playing with #'s. The late nites aren't so bad...I really do love data analysis. Figuring out what the data is telling you + good music = pretty rad. More sleep and bike rides would be nice tho. I keep telling myself that pain now means I gain my life back in the rides, movies, breakfast in the yard......and so much more.

Staying as sane as I'll ever be through Sunday nite potlucks, Wednesday Catan games, playing with Frances, and late nite study dates (avec donuts). Lookin' forward to seeing all y'all a lot more once I get this damn monkey off my back.
Oh and FYI- my defense will include a keg of the geeenius, courtesy of yours truly.
Momentous occasions warrant such extravagance.

March 4, 2008

alive and eating donuts

Duffin's donut tonic will cure what ails you. Well, it may not cure it but non-peer reviewed empirical testing suggests that donut consumption is a significant sign of recovery.

That's right, I'm finally back to the land of the living after 2 solid weeks of bronchitis. Not only did i have a throat full of knives, and asthmatic lungs of swiss cheese, but I lost my voice for a few days. I'm gonna state the obvious here and say that I talk a lot; being unable to communicate easily (i could whisper a bit) was, at times, very frustrating. But it really wasn't as bad as I feared. Marlo and Adam came by to hang out with me and as mar-mar put it 'see what it's like when ranae can't talk'.

My silence made me more aware of how much my interactions with Frances depend on verbal communication. I can admit that I talk to my dog a lot; she's a good listener. She is also extremely sensitive to tone of voice. A southern inflected, stern "Frances Jellybean"is all you need for her obedience. I think I need to read more about learning and emotions in dogs.

Speaking of learning: I discovered, by way of an amazing sick nurse, that Aloe Vera juice is not only a good mixer with vodka but oh-so-soothing for a sore throat.
I encourage you to try it.....for both.