Crap like this makes a TA laugh and groan at the same time.
Map Quality: F
Lab Mate Quality: A+
This map is what happens when that aforementioned academic geeeeenius actually graduates because the educational standards at SFU are so low and he gets hired somewhere.
Although the absence of information in this map makes it into neat abstract-nerd art it is still useless and uninformative .
Grade= D
Any map that involves POOP is gonna grab my attention. But what does the east half of N. America, plants, and poop have in common? This maps sure isn't solving the mystery. Unfortunately, awesome subject matter still can't make up for what a shitty map this is.
I'd give this map an F but they get bonus points for writing POOP really large on it
Grade: D
My favourite is the lab-partner from the sky. Runner up is number 2.
Popula"toin" of cantankerous spelling-nerd-ville: 1.
you would be amazed at the shit people hand in.....makes us laugh and then want to burn things b/c we have to slog thru it to explain whey it sucks so bad. the gap b/w what they 'think' their maps displays versus the fact that it lacks any evidence of spatial analysis or relationships is ginormoous. mostly the product of laziness and not stupidity. result is the same tho.
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