March 4, 2008

alive and eating donuts

Duffin's donut tonic will cure what ails you. Well, it may not cure it but non-peer reviewed empirical testing suggests that donut consumption is a significant sign of recovery.

That's right, I'm finally back to the land of the living after 2 solid weeks of bronchitis. Not only did i have a throat full of knives, and asthmatic lungs of swiss cheese, but I lost my voice for a few days. I'm gonna state the obvious here and say that I talk a lot; being unable to communicate easily (i could whisper a bit) was, at times, very frustrating. But it really wasn't as bad as I feared. Marlo and Adam came by to hang out with me and as mar-mar put it 'see what it's like when ranae can't talk'.

My silence made me more aware of how much my interactions with Frances depend on verbal communication. I can admit that I talk to my dog a lot; she's a good listener. She is also extremely sensitive to tone of voice. A southern inflected, stern "Frances Jellybean"is all you need for her obedience. I think I need to read more about learning and emotions in dogs.

Speaking of learning: I discovered, by way of an amazing sick nurse, that Aloe Vera juice is not only a good mixer with vodka but oh-so-soothing for a sore throat.
I encourage you to try it.....for both.


keke said...

Glad you're back! and as long as I've been around here I've never been to Duffin's. Yup never.

ranae said...

well shit. looks like we're gonna have to make a late nite donut run. MM is also known to frequent duffins.

Anonymous said...

it's not that i haven't called you on purpose, i just keep on losing my )*(&*^&$%# phone and forgetting to recharge because i loose the )*(&*^&%^#$ phone charger. seriously birdbrained about phones. thank shit my laptop's big enough to not misplace however i did lose the chord for a couple of days ... sigh. ha ha ha! oh man ... barbe